4 Life Milestones That Should Trigger a Review of Your Estate Plan

What Life Milestones Should Trigger a Review of Your Estate Plan?

Adapting to changing circumstances is important at any time of your life. When managing your estate, you should always be mindful that certain events could impact decisions you may have made in the past.

From the time you begin to accumulate assets, you should start considering how your passing could affect others and how you wish your property to be distributed. Estate planning becomes especially important when you have a spouse, children, and perhaps grandchildren to consider. (more…)

7 Things to Do to Help the Executor of Your Estate

7 Things to Do to Help the Executor of Your Estate

As painful as it can be to discuss your eventual passing, forethought and proper planning will ensure that your assets pass efficiently to your designated heirs. Making the job of your executor of estate less complicated and avoiding a complex probate process is best assured if you, the testator, leave clear and unambiguous information and instructions.

Your executor of estate has several responsibilities to manage at the time of your death. Besides securing your home, advising relatives and others, and ordering death certificates, the individual is responsible for gathering all documents pertaining to your life including deeds, titles, insurance policies, marriage license, divorce decrees, bank accounts, Social Security, and more.
